We offer a FREE Private HPV Conversation with our specialty trained staff. We are members of the International Anal Neoplasia Society. E-mail us today to schedule your FREE call back.Schedule Conversation Here

I Can’t Get Rid of My Genital Warts

I Can’t Get Rid of My Genital Warts

Unfortunately, the standard treatment of topicals, freezing and removal do not work completely for most patients. Even if you think it worked, the virus can persist in hair follicles and develop later in other areas. You never know if you are clean or non-contagious. Which means, you can unknowingly spread the virus to you partner.

That’s where combination therapy has proven to be much more effective. Interferon as an adjuvant treatment for genital condyloma acuminatum Using injectable interferon in combination with topicals and or removal, offers the best chance at clearing the virus above and below the skin. 

HPV Center of America and Dr. Abbadessa
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HPV Center of America
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